She seeks wool and flax, and works willingly with her hands. Proverbs 31:13

Monday, June 28, 2010

Loves Music, Loves to Knit

Last night the hubs and I had a rare special treat,  we went out to a concert. We had our 25th anniversary a few weeks ago, so this was to celebrate it. We went and saw Kansas, Styx, and Foreigner. It was a great show and I had forgotten how much I liked Foreigner.  As all of you who are parents know, the kids always come first. When you are raising a large family there's often no time and and even less money to do things like that. So we really enjoyed ourselves.

The concert venue was just over an hour away,  so I brought along my knitting to keep me occupied in the car. I made pretty good progress for just over an hour's work. This scarf will be going to the Michigan Special Olympics, which I posted about recently. I am knitting it in mistake rib, which couldn't be easier, it's great for those times you just want mindless knitting -  cast on  a multiple of 4, plus 3 extra stitches. Then k2, p2 across, and p the last stitch. Just keep repeating this row.  I am knitting it on big size 10 needles, so it goes fast and feels nice and squishy:) This will be scarf no. two, I don't know how many I'll get done this summer.


  1. Congrats on the're just newlyweds !
    We're workin' on number 34 over this-a-way !

    I love a squishy scarf........good job !

  2. Dolly, thanks:)Lol, you've got us beat by a lot!
